Fatima Yrakova
ART 75314
This article deals with the problem of formation of communicative competence. The basis for the implementation of etnolingvodidakticheskogo approach served as the conceptual provisions of didactics, linguistics, etnolingvodidaktiki theoretical position in the field of language and foreign language education, which served as the basis etnolingvodidakticheskogo approach as a theoretical basis for productive implementation of multilingual education. The focus is on interaction and mutual contact languages (Russian, native and English). In the context of this study, it is important to the consideration of the relationship between language and culture, evident in the verbal communication.
ART 14706
In the article the main problems of language training as one of the priority directions of modernization of language education requiring the formulation of new problems and the transition from traditional language teaching to learning intercultural didactics, undertaken in the context of eurooplane and social culture.
ART 14705
The article is determined by the value and place of onomastic vocabulary in the language system, given the structural-semantic and functional characteristics of Olimov Russian language. Attention to the functional side of proper names has allowed to allocate proper function: nominative, identifying and differentiating.