Kamilya Gabdylinova
ART 202008
The article emphasizes the relevance of using a digital microscope in primary school at the lessons while studying surrounding world with all its advantages as a means of developing cognitive interest in inanimate nature. The purpose of the article is to substantiate theoretically and test experimentally the possibility of developing third-graders' cognitive interest in inanimate nature by making videos using a digital microscope. The study revealed pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of cognitive interest in inanimate nature among third graders by means of making videos using a digital microscope.
ART 76226
The article presents the results of theoretical research of pedagogical efficiency in the use of digital micro-scope as a means of implementing the practical teaching methods at the lessons of the science in primary school. There are examples of practices (observation, recognition of signs of objects and phenomena, ex-perience) using a digital microscope.
ART 75365
The article presents the task cards of an environmental excursion for schoolchildren to test water quality of water bodies by the animals-indicators.
ART 14878
The article deals with didactic material: ecology exercises for fourth formers aim to develop the representation of interconnections in the biological community of plants and animals of the forest and meadow.