Keyword: «active processes in the language»

The article is devoted to the problem of the variability of the Russian language, namely to active processes at the syntax level. The article describes the most striking processes such as expanding the range of dismembered and segmented syntactic constructions (parceled and binomial constructions), activation of inconsistent and uncontrolled word forms, syntactic compression of structures (syntactic compression, syntactic reduction). Illustrative material from modern periodicals is accompanied by explanations of the meaning of the processes. It is noted that the impact on the written speech of the spoken style is the main reason for the activation of these structures.
The article is devoted to the problem of language variability, namely the active processes taking place at the word-formation level of the modern Russian language. The article describes such most productive models as the formation of names of people, abstract nouns, relative adjectives, verbal nouns, verbs, prefixes, compound words and abbreviations. All word-formation models are illustrated with examples from the texts of the periodical “Arguments and Facts”.
The article is devoted to the problem of language changes, namely, changes at the level of vocabulary in the modern Russian language. The most striking processes in the field of vocabulary, such as semantic transformations, the formation of new phraseology, metaphorization of the language and the process of foreign language borrowing, are presented in the article. The description of the processes is accompanied by examples from periodicals.
The article is devoted to the problem of the functioning of vocabulary with stylistic connotation in the modern Russian language. The author reveals the concept of stylistic connotation and describes its types, accompanying the explanations with examples from the texts of periodicals. Also one of the active processes in the field of vocabulary – the process of stylistic neutralization is presented in the article.