Keyword: «syntax»

The article considers the main principles and directions that might be used in developing the methodology of logopedic work on formation of skills of constructing sentences in children with General underdevelopment of speech. Describes some features of formation of coherent speech in preschool children with the NRO and the justification for the need for a targeted systematic work on speech development.
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The article is devoted to the study of syntactic component grammatical competence as part of language. In children with the general underdevelopment of speech violation of the syntactic component adversely af-fects the formation of writing skills. A promising area of research it is possible to consider the direction in the framework of neuro-linguistic approach.
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The article deals with syntactic means of expressing conditioning relations, the use of which allows us to present the idea, concluded in proverb, in the most compressed form. There is a special role of attributive combinations capable of conveying a folded proposition.
The article discusses the types of work with students that contribute to a conscious understanding of the semantics of sentences and the study of syntax in grades 7–8 of the Yakut school.
For the first time on the material of the Khanty language, preventive syntactic constructions, explicitly expressed, are constructed using special models that mainly coincide in the analyzed dialects of the Khanty language. Among the presented complex constructions, the non-union type prevails, which is dissected or syncretically expressing the originality of the precautionary meaning in the Khanty language.