Keyword: «bulgakov»

The article is devoted to the analysis of the philosophical problems of the novel. The article deals with the problems of art, good and evil, religion, love The author of the article analyzes the problems posed by Bulgakov. The article discusses the features of the work. The relevance in the satirical depiction of the Soviet lies in reality. The theme of uplifting tragic love and creativity in an unfree society Bulgakov writes the novel at the dawn of his work. The novel is autobiographical. In the image of the Master, you can recognize Bulgakov himself, and in the image of Margarita, his wife Elena Sergeevna. The novel is regarded as a message to humanity. The novel gives us an idea of Moscow in the 1930s. The most interesting thing is that we read “a novel within a novel”, since in the work the Master writes his own novel called “Pontius Pilate”.