Keyword: «cryptocurrency»

This article considers bitcoin cryptocurrency: it’s possible replacement for traditional currencies such as ruble, dollar, euro. The «blockchain» system is described and the question of ideal accounting is answered. Suitable conclusions are proposed to believe that bitcoin will not be able to replace fiat money for states.
The article explores the concept of digital currency as a new object of civil rights, which emerged in the context of digitalization. The author concludes that, at present, this notion cannot be unequivocally defined. On the one hand, digital currency is a term introduced into Russian legislation to designate a cryptocurrency, that is, other property that is not a form of money. On the other hand, there is a digital currency issued by the Bank of Russia (digital ruble), which is one of the new forms of money that have emerged as a result of the digitalization processes.
The article considers an example of creating a program capable of analyzing the price difference for cryptocurrency using neural network technologies. The program is designed to analyze price changes on the cryptocurrency exchange The authors propose to consider an example of the work of such a program. The paper defines the model by which forecasting is carried out, and describes its main properties. The relevance of the article is due to the need to create programs for automatic price analysis when trading on the stock exchange, which allows the trader to save a lot of time and effort.
The article is devoted to the problems of establishing the institution of digital central banks and their digital currencies. The authors pose the questions: why are digital national currencies needed and how do they differ from cryptocurrencies? What are the successes of different countries in the implementation of CVCB? Why does Russia need a digital ruble and at what stage is its implementation? The authors come to the conclusion that the key motives for introducing securities around the world are two aspects: increasing the efficiency and security of the payment system and regulating alternative cryptocurrencies. The article discusses the differences between central currencies and cryptocurrencies, as well as the experience of individual countries in creating central currencies and digital currencies. Special attention in the article is paid to consideration of the current situation with the introduction of the digital ruble. The authors conclude about the advantages and new opportunities which digital ruble opens for consumers, business, state, financial market and international cooperation.
The article examines the concept of digital currency in two contexts: as an analogue of cryptocurrency and as a central bank digital currency (digital ruble). The authors come to the conclusion that the essence of digital currency is uniform, since it is determined by the technologi-cal aspect of its issue and turnover through distributed registry technology (blockchain). In turn, the legal nature of digital currency (cryptocurrency) and digital ruble is different, since it is determined by economic and legal aspects. Digital currency (cryptocurrency) is not a means of payment, but at the same time participates in civil circulation as other property. The digital ruble is a type of non-cash funds, that is, one of the forms of money, therefore it has all the characteristics that money has as objects of civil rights.