Keyword: «cultural activities»

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Attention to the problems of cultural education in childhood due to the fact that during this period the main stage of laying the basic foundations of human culture. In the process of cultural education are such significant personal neoplasms, as a special internal position of the child, developed creative imagination and generalization of the experience, based on which the child learns to communicate with the outside world and to extend its thanks to its focused and productive activity, so there is an enrichment of the inner world of the child. The result cultural education of child becomes and certain motivational and value the child's rela-tionship to culture.
This study dwells on features of the cultural diplomacy of post-soviet countries in modern conditions. The author analyzes development of cultural diplomacy in modern post-soviet countries, including cultural based activities of these countries, which are necessary components of diplomacy abroad defending foreign cultural policy and providing cross-cultural communication with other developed countries. This study aims to provide an overview of the cultural diplomacy and analyze and identify its post-soviet countries models which is the most important areas of foreign policy of country. This paper reviews new challenges in cultural diplomacy and outlines a strategy for successful implementation of cultural policy in in post-soviet countries. The study can be consist of an important resource for various scientists, international researchers and experts who is more closed to this research.