Keyword: «finland»

The article examines and compares the legal issues of application of administrative responsibility for environmental offenses in Finland and the Russian Federation, The regulation of administrative liability for environmental offenses both in Russia and in Finland is based on the definition of actual damage, which is reflected in the costs of eliminating the harmful consequences of the offender's activities, which agrees with international laws, in particular, with the recommendations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Within this context the methods of compensation for environmental damage and the effect of the environmental insurance provided by laws, the process of exercising environmental control, as well as the administrative justice system of Finland, the structure and activities of administrative courts are subject to comparison. The research was carried out on the basis of materials from such sources as the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection", the Code on Administrative Proceedings, the Finnish Laws "On Nature Protection", "On Environmental Damage Insurance" and "On Administrative Procedure", as well as other regulatory acts of Russia and Finland, which regulate the application of administrative responsibility for environmental violations and issues of environmental insurance.
This article deals with the care ship under minors. Finnish lawyers insist, that it encloses as parent’s troubles about their children as wardship and guardianship under minors, who were remaining (lifting) without their parents. The main criterion of such careship consists that in Finland usually it is the same relationship to children as to full-fledged human persons. Corporal punishments for children are forbidden in Finland, as coarse words and relationships, which degrade human self-respect (dignity). The guardian must submit all his activities on careship about health charging of such child and his breeding, education, physical and mental development and about his financial (material) welfare, with just the same child who is in the charge of this care man. The main bodies of establishing of careship are: social commissions of municipalities and municipal bureaucrats were authorized to guard the rights of children and also courts of first instance of General jurisdiction. A proper situation with the careship under miners in Finland may be given only when you are taking into your account the whole development of Finnish careship legislation for the last 40 years.