Keyword: «health saving technologies»
ART 13222
The necessity of health saving behavior formation actualizes the search and introduction of the new technologies of students motivation to the healthy lifestyle in the process of learning in higher education institution.
ART 75124
This article discusses the health-preserving technologies creating the best possible conditions for the preservation, strengthening and development of personal and physical health of all subjects of the educational process.
ART 75289
This article tells of correctional-developing work on health protection of students with disabilities specialists of the Center «the GIFT», created on the basis of the boarding school № 8, Pushkin district. A comprehen-sive model of the Centre «the GIFT» is a network of integrative ties, including diagnostic, preventive and remedial developmental, health aspects, provides positive dynamics of speech, intellectual and psycholog-ical development of the child.
ART 75290
The article reveals the effectiveness of correctional and speech therapy with the use of non-traditional and health-technology (water therapy, peskoterapiya, elements psihogimnastiki, chromo therapy, music therapy, etc.) within the Light sensory room for children with disabilities.
ART 15446
The paper is devoted to the management of the process of saving and strengthening of health in educational organizations, such as health and fitness, sports, educational and other activities; use of health-saving technologies in the educational process.