Keyword: «infusion method»

Composite polymeric materials are materials with designed and specified properties for use in various operating conditions and material operating environments. To obtain certain properties of CM, various methods of its manufacture and compositions of components are used. One of the modern directions in the development of CM is the production with a combination of various multilayer fibrous materials for the optimal anisotropic structure of the resulting material. To obtain increased physical, mechanical and technological properties of the resulting CM, the components of the composite, manufacturing technology and methods for modifying the binder were determined. This article substantiates the production of a hybrid CM by the infusion method for further climate testing and research into the influence of various operating environments on the CM characteristics and replenishment of the data bank to create materials used in the conditions of the North and the Arctic.
The results of the elastic-strength properties of PCM, orderly reinforced with basalt-carbon fabrics, exposed for 12 months in an open polygon in a sharply continental climate for the impact of natural climatic factors on the basis of the Center for Collective Use of the Federal Research Center of the Yakutsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Yakutsk, are presented.