Keyword: «innovative learning technologies»

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The paper analyzes the characteristics and psychological and pedagogical barriers in training of medical schools lecturers in the system of additional vocational training. The results of an empirical study of profes-sional and personal qualities of doctors-educators describe psycho-emotional state, professional self-esteem and values, individual style of teaching. The terms and learning objectives of training students to improve their psycho-pedagogical competence and self-development are described. The content of the program of the course “Pedagogy and psychology of higher education” for teachers of medical universities, specific forms, techniques and technologies of training are given.
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The article deals with the problem of using innovative technologies in the formation of university students’ general linguistic competency as exemplified by bachelor academic program 44.03.05 Pedagogical Educa-tion, profiles – History and English, Social Studies and English. As a result of the analysis the researcher comes to the conclusion, that the use of dialogue, game, project, computer and integrative educational technologies in the performance of the discipline “Introduction to General Linguistics” allows a lecturer to enhance the level of the desired competency and students’ learning motivation and to approximate the learning process to real conditions of a student’s future professional life.