Keyword: «irrationality»

The research article demonstrates a cross-cutting theme of 'imago' which was connected to the maturing or 'immaturing' process of characters' minds and their self-rating of self-dependence in decision making process byUlitskaya. The article contains the certain output of the research asserting 'imago' concept disagrees with the protagonist MikhaMelamed behavior, because he was a reliable person since his childhood. The most accurate word to describe Mikha's personality would be biblical interpretation of a word 'childishness' meaning selflessness, benignity, innocence, mercifulness. Thus, biological term 'imago' brings a large number of contradictions and irrational assertions about character's personalities up.
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The article is devoted to the empirical study of personality types according to Karl G. Jung on the material of male and female samples. The used in the work concepts of "type", "extroversion", "introversion", "rationality", "irrationality" are analyzed. The authors present the results of male and female samples personality types empirical study.