Elena Klepcova

City: Kirov
0 Publications in RSCI
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15 PAPAI index
4 Publications in the journal


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The factor that determines professional stress among the employees of beauty industry is, first of all, a high communicative load: intensity, duration and cognitive complexity of official communication. At the same time, these employees are not satisfied with the quality of their life usually: they experience social injustice, insecurity, loss of social prestige and status. The main external factors that play a significant role in the development of professional stress include role and organizational ones. Role-related stress factors include: role conflict; role-based uncertainty; dissatisfaction with professional and personal growth (self-actualization); low social status; role behavioral stereotypes that limit creative activity; isolation in a meaningful (reference) group; negative gender role attitudes, infringing rights and freedom of the individual. Organizational stress factors include: excessive level of stress and the amount of work, especially with unrealistic time limits; monotony of the work; large personal resources investment in work and the lack of recognition and positive evaluation; physical exhaustion, lack of rest or lack of normal sleep; work without further professional development; tension and conflicts in interpersonal relations; insufficient support from colleagues; emotional saturation or cognitive complexity of communication, etc.
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The article is devoted to the problems of mobbing manifestation in interpersonal relations. The authors analyze the concepts of "response", "perception", "mobbing", "intolerant management", "terminator management". The analysis of opposition to intolerant management is made. They offer different variants of protection against psychological attack from the simplest ones - aggression, hysteria, flight and others, and ending with more mature ones, confirming human dignity. Among the latter one can distinguish: understanding the motive for striking, seeking rational and fair in comments and accusations, active searching for a response that reduces the aggression of the attacker, refusing to attack first, assisting the attacker in stopping the fight against you, believing in the attacker's ability to give up the fight against you , interrupting scenario of exchanging kicks, proposing cooperation and partnership, protection in the situation of attacks from others, taking the victim's side in the conflict, moving to a safe place or to a place where effective help is given, physical activities of salvation type.
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The article is devoted to the empirical study of personality types according to Karl G. Jung on the material of male and female samples. The used in the work concepts of "type", "extroversion", "introversion", "rationality", "irrationality" are analyzed. The authors present the results of male and female samples personality types empirical study.
The article presents the results of an analysis of scientific works of Russian and foreignresearcherson the development of the prizes of humanization interpersonal relations of the subjects of the educational activity.