Keyword: «legal education»

The article discusses the main approaches to the construction of target models for the training of legal personnel in the structural divisions of a classical university. An analysis of the possibilities and prospects of building strategic models for the purposes of consistent and systemic development of legal education in accordance with the modern needs of the Russian and international labor market is presented.
In the modern world, in a dynamically developing education system, an important role is given to the training of highly qualified specialists, in particular, specialists in the field of jurisprudence. In this article, the authors consider the actual problems of modern legal education in Russia in the context of the development of the information society, the transition to a digital format, the introduction of digital technologies in various spheres of life.
The Concept of reforming the legal services market proposed by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has been criticized by all interested parties. For this reason, given the length of the article, we will only touch on some of the ideas expressed in the legal literature that can be useful to a wide range of lawyers, both practitioners and theorists.
The development of information and communication technologies determines the formation of a new educational paradigm, which leads to a fundamental restructuring of the educational process at the university. In this article, objective factors are analyzed that inevitably lead to a profound transformation in the system of legal education
The article analyzes the features of teaching in the modern realities of the discipline of jurisprudence. The author proposes to effectively structure the study of the legal course and develop competencies that are the basis of civic education. The goals of teaching depend on the level of development of society and public policy in the field of legal education. There must be awareness of the need to respect human rights, one's own dignity and respect for other people.