Keyword: «leisure activities»

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The paper presents an analysis of the opportunities the school holiday in a historical perspective, are the realization of its educational potential at this stage.
The article deals with one of the most effective ways for primary prevention of deviant behavior (drug use, alcohol consumption, smoking) among young people – the use of project technology in the organization of leisure activities. Describes the types and causes of deviant behavior of young people in psychology, principles of developmental education. Describes the use of design technologies used in preventive work (on the example of the implemented project) contribute to the education of the youth units, preventing the formation of deviant behavior.
The article presents a detailed analysis of the signs, conditions, features of the use of technology of leisure developmental activities of children in a preschool. The developing potential of the technology of children's leisure activities is considered taking into account their age characteristics, as well as the forms and types of this work, options for the participation of educators, parents, and children in solving the tasks.