Keyword: «mental warfare»

The article considers the results of the analysis of the level of digital literacy of cadets of a military flight university. The influence of the specifics of obtaining military education on the development of this element of socialization of the individual in the era of the dominance of information and communication technologies in all spheres of society. The role of digital literacy in the further functioning of a military university graduate as a military pilot.
The article examines the elements of psychological training of the Red Army soldiers, reflected in the fiction of front-line writers. Based on the work of Alexander Alfredovich Beck «Volokolamskoe highway», an analysis of approaches to the problem of accelerated formation of the qualities of a soldier among servicemen drafted into the army and having no experience of military service is carried out.
Back in 2021, at the level of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, it was stated that an information war was being waged against the population of our country by the United States, England and their satellites – Western Europe. Information warfare has been defined as «mental», affecting people's consciousness and their basic value orientations. Today, after the beginning of a special military operation in the Donbass on February 24, the conduct of an information war or its expanded version of the «mental» one against Russia has acquired the scale of a world war. The article discusses the results of the study of the existing value system of cadets of a military flight university in a given period of time. The respondents of the survey are representatives of the 2nd year of study and graduates of a helicopter military university, who have a high probability of getting into real combat operations in the foreseeable future.
In 2021, at the level of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, it was officially announced that an information war was being waged against the population of our country by the United States, England and their satellites – Western Europe. In reality, this type of war against the Russian state was waged almost constantly throughout its existence. The article considers the stages and methods of this information impact in the past centuries of the formation of the concept and content of the «Russian world». The analysis of information counteraction between the USA and the USSR, as well as the countries that joined the poles of their influence, during the Cold War is carried out. The relevance of scientific research, the results of which are reflected in this work, is to draw an analogy with the modern period of information confrontation of the same subjects, but with new opportunities and in new realities.
The article discusses the fundamental goals of a new type of war – mental. The purpose of such a war is to undermine the civilizational foundations of the enemy's society. It is known that the civilizational foundations of a society are the values that are formed in the process of historical development. The historical past, memory determines the construction of the future, forms the goals of the development of the state. The leveling of historical memory, the destruction of fundamental values is the main strategic task of mental warfare.