Keyword: «psychological and pedagogical classes»

The article describes participating in a cooperative project of secondary school educational establishments of Ryazan region and Ryazan State University named for S. Yesenin “Psychological and Pedagogical Classes”. While studying the subject “The Basics of Cross-cultural Communication” the aim to be achieved is to form senior students’ soft pre-professional skills: critical thinking, the ability to build relations with representatives of different cultures, settle conflicts, notice similarities and differences in the behavior, as well as getting knowledge about the etiquette of business communication and preparing for public presen-tation. Students’ answers on the survey after completing the course are analyzed with the aim of pursuing their motivation to further professional orientation. Examples of cross-cultural training sessions and topics for discussion at the lesson are given together with students’ reflection on the experience acquired.
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Specialized training today is designed to solve a number of pressing and urgent problems, one of which is to increase the motivation of young people for future professional activity, the formation of key competences and practical skills necessary for its implementation. Career guidance and self-determination of schoolchildren seem to contribute to this but, as the practical work in specialized psychological and pedagogical classes shows, this is far from the real case. It is worth noting that career guidance and self-determination are focused on the elimination of particular problems, and are part of the overall work on the organization of specialized training, which, however, in our opinion, is much broader than it may seem at first glance. Therefore, the aspect of studying the system of education in specialized classes seems to us particularly important. This circumstance makes it possible to formulate the purpose of the article, which is to describe the model of teaching in specialized psychological and pedagogical classes. The system activity-oriented approach, as a fundamental principle of education, allows us to build an appropriate model of a teacher's activity in organizing training in classes of psychological and pedagogical orientation. The practical involvement of high school students in active pedagogical activity contributes to the formation of motivational, personal, behavioral spheres, as evidenced by their qualitative changes. The proposed training model differs significantly from the traditional vision of building a pre-professional education. The author's interpretation is based on an integrated approach that allows to reach all students through involvement in project, research, and practical activities. Schoolchildren already at the stage of special training try on the roles of educator, teacher, instructor, researcher. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the description of the model of training in specialized psychological and pedagogical classes; comparative analysis of approaches to the organization of pre-professional and vocational education in domestic and foreign practice; generalization of the modern system of specialized training. The practical significance of the article consists in substantiating the author's model of teaching in specialized psychological and pedagogical classes (the case of Yevpatoria schools), which will help both the authors and the scientific community deal in the future with issues of specializing to diversify the types and forms of involvement of the pedagogically interested generation in future professional activities.