Keyword: «self-confidence»

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The authors present the approach to the productive formation of an adequate self-esteem of primary schoolchildren in terms of family upbringing.
This article reveals the relevance of the issue of the formation of personal confidence in adolescents in the conditions of socio-psychological trainings. The article presents the result of an empirical study conducted in one of the secondary schools of the Slavyansky district municipality of Krasnodar Krai on a sample of 40 6th grade students from 12 to 13 years using such methods as: survey, testing, experiment (ascertaining and forming), quantitative methods of processing test results. The diagnostic methods used in the study include: «The study of general self-esteem using the testing procedure» (G. N. Kazantseva); «Self-esteem scale» (M. Rosenberg); «Scale of general self-efficacy» (R. Schwarzer, M. Yerusalem) (adapted by V. G. Romek); the «Self-confidence» test (V. G. Romek). As a result of the study, it is possible to talk about the expediency of forming personal self-confidence in adolescents, including a sense of happiness, satisfac-tion with their lives, as well as a number of socially significant values (good studies, communication, health, recognition by others and respect for people) in the context of the implementation of socio-psychological trainings and with timely diagnosis of confidence in adolescents /uncertainty by studying their personal, cognitive and emotional-behavioral components.