Keyword: «small business»

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The article is devoted to the actual problem of small-scale business development in Russia. The authors estimate the dynamics of small enterprises number in Russia and in the Penza region and view the ways of effective state support of small-scale business development.
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The author presents statistical indicators and priority directions of small business development in the Crimea.
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The article discusses the theoretical and methodological aspects of business development, perceptual ambiguity of the term, the dependence of the development of small business in Russia on the state of the education market and the labor force.
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The article examines the current challenges and opportunities for the development of the patent system of taxation for small businesses, taking into account regional peculiarities in the Central Federal district of Russia. Presents an analysis of the establishment of potential annual income, taking into account various factors in the regions of the Central Federal district with the aim of stimulating the development of certain types of entrepreneurial.
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Small business, today, is a tool for the development of market economy. In light of this, is an issue about the ways and means of financing this category of business. However, without a clear understanding of the mechanism of financing of small business, it is not possible to formulate a strategy, as financing and operation of small businesses in general. In article identifies features of the mechanism of financing of small business, its elements and their interaction with each other.