Keyword: «task construction»

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The events held within the framework of the Decade of Childhood in Russia are focused on creating favorable conditions for the harmonious development of children. Harmonious development is impossible without a constructive attention to the quality of the basic process in which the child is involved from preschool age - to the system of basic general education. Considering the first level of general education – preschool education, we note that the most important at this stage is the formation of personality traits in the child that allow him/her to participate in socially significant activities. These personality traits include initiative, independence, responsibility, mobility, the ability for self-realization and creativity. There is an obvious need to shift the main accent in preschool education from the teacher to the child, who would be able to accept or independently construct learning for the present task and solve it. At the same time, the solution of the learning task is not aimed at changing it itself, but at transforming the subject who solves it. Each subject can independently put his own meaning into the task itself and its solution. That is why the purpose of the article is to describe the technology of constructing learning tasks for preschool education programs. The authors of the article determine the methodological aspects of the formulation of tasks aimed at achieving educational results by preschoolers. By presenting such tasks formulations to children, the teacher sets certain goals for them and for himself/herself, the achievement of which contributes to the solution of other problems. The leading approach is the cognitive paradigm of education. As a result of this study, the authors considered approaches to learning, to the types of tasks to achieve them. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the contribution to the development of scientific ideas about the possibilities of constructing learning tasks in preschool education. The practical implementation of the technology of constructing learning tasks will create favorable conditions for the harmonious development of children in the system of preschool education.