Vyacheslav Utemov

City: Kirov, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Work: Vyatka State University
Post: Dean – Education Director of the Pedagogical Institute
189 Publications in RSCI
24 H-index
87 PAPAI index
38 Publications in the journal


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Currently, the relevance of high-quality cognitive development of children, starting from preschool age, has increased significantly. If previously there was an accumulated demand for the quality of cognitive development among certain groups of the population, now this norm is enshrined in the Russian education system. Due to the complexity of cognitive processes development, technologized means, including cognitive classes, become the most significant in practice. There are different tools for working with cognitive phenomena, processes and research. However, there are now only scattered studies in the pedagogical field which reveal some aspects of the development of cognitive activities. The basis here is most often the most famous cognitive-taxonomic theory of B. Bloom, which reveals the main levels of development of cognitive activity that contribute to the achievement of educational goals. At the moment, the problem of selecting the most effective forms, methods and techniques, teaching aids, including for conducting cognitive classes for the development of cognitive activity of older preschool children remains unresolved. This article achieves the goal of formulating the basic requirements for the development of learning tasks for older preschoolers, which can be used at different stages of cognitive training. Analysis and synthesis were used as research methods, including when studying literature on the research topic, survey, questionnaire, and mathematical methods for processing empirical data. As a result of theoretical research, the works of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of developing a cognitive paradigm of education, as well as studying the process of development of children's cognitive activity, were analyzed. The practical significance of the study lies in testing a number of formulations of learning tasks at different stages of a cognitive lesson for the further creation of a constructor for compiling such tasks on any topic. The article may be of practical interest for teachers of preschool organizations and other researchers of this issue.
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Cognitive activity takes a special place in our life and it opens up wide opportunities for us. Therefore, the development of cognition in children, starting from preschool age, is very important. Preschool age is a valuable period in itself, laying the foundation for the child’s further successful education at school. Therefore, an important task of this age period is to provide the child with the necessary conditions to reveal his/her potential in different areas of life. The cognitive development of a preschooler presupposes the development of his/her cognitive mental processes that affect his/her success in principal activities. The development of cognition is carried out in kindergarten using an integral system of interconnected methods, techniques and teaching aids. They include educational tasks that help preschoolers learn information about the world around them and contribute to their comprehensive development, as well as to the formation of their cognitive actions, skills and abilities necessary in school. The purpose of the article is to formulate characteristics of different types of educational tasks depending on the level of knowledge that are offered to preschool children. The authors of the article determine the requirements for the content of these tasks, the expected activities of children, the product of their solution and the educational results achieved during the implementation of this training tool. The leading approach to using educational tasks for the cognitive development of preschool children is the cognitive paradigm of education, the goal of which is expressed in the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. As a result of the study, the authors examined different types of educational tasks in relation to cognitive processes. The theoretical significance of the article is due to the authors’ contribution to the development of scientific ideas about the characteristics of different types of educational tasks and their impact on the cognitive development of older preschoolers. The practical application of educational tasks in preschool education will make it possible to achieve the most effective results in the development of children’s cognitive activity at the stage of preparing them for schooling. The complete and high-quality cognitive development of a preschool child will be the basis for the development of his/her educational skills and abilities necessary in school.
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The key learning outcome of the main educational program of preschool education is the development of cognitive abilities of the pupil. The work for the development of cognition of a preschooler should be considered as a purposeful activity aimed at cognition of the surrounding reality on the basis of the formation of cognitive functions, such as perception, thinking, memory, attention, speech. Therefore, cognitive activity is the main one in cognitive classes in kindergarten. The result of all the system of cognitive activities should be the formation of cognitive functions in a preschooler. At the same time, we must take into consideration the requirements for the structure of a cognitive lesson and the choice of the main technology for this structure design. Reasoned discourse can be considered as the main technology of a cognitive lesson. The discourse allows organizing the student's active mental work both in the process of perceiving the teacher's argumentation and in the process of building his/her own reasoning strategy and forming arguments. On the other hand, the standard of preschool education and the successive standard of primary school education distinguish the task of mastering educational sign-symbolic means by students. The minimum set of these means is defined by the standards (substitution, modeling, encoding and decoding of information, logical operations, including general problem-solving techniques) and allows them to be included as a mandatory component in the lesson structure. That is why the purpose of the article is to describe the structure of a cognitive lesson based on the technology of reasoned discourse in preschool education. The authors of the article highlight the methodological aspects of formulating the tasks of cognitive activity, describe the content of cognitive actions in older preschoolers and characterize the significance of reasoned discourse in this process. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the identification of the structure of a cognitive lesson based on the technology of reasoned discourse in preschool education. The practical implementation of this structure will create favorable conditions for the development of the pupil's knowledge on the basis of the formation of the child's cognitive functions in the system of pre-school education. It can be assumed that this structure of a cognitive lesson can be considered in relation to the study of any topic in the educational process of a preschool educational organization.
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The events held within the framework of the Decade of Childhood in Russia are focused on creating favorable conditions for the harmonious development of children. Harmonious development is impossible without a constructive attention to the quality of the basic process in which the child is involved from preschool age - to the system of basic general education. Considering the first level of general education – preschool education, we note that the most important at this stage is the formation of personality traits in the child that allow him/her to participate in socially significant activities. These personality traits include initiative, independence, responsibility, mobility, the ability for self-realization and creativity. There is an obvious need to shift the main accent in preschool education from the teacher to the child, who would be able to accept or independently construct learning for the present task and solve it. At the same time, the solution of the learning task is not aimed at changing it itself, but at transforming the subject who solves it. Each subject can independently put his own meaning into the task itself and its solution. That is why the purpose of the article is to describe the technology of constructing learning tasks for preschool education programs. The authors of the article determine the methodological aspects of the formulation of tasks aimed at achieving educational results by preschoolers. By presenting such tasks formulations to children, the teacher sets certain goals for them and for himself/herself, the achievement of which contributes to the solution of other problems. The leading approach is the cognitive paradigm of education. As a result of this study, the authors considered approaches to learning, to the types of tasks to achieve them. The theoretical significance of the article lies in the contribution to the development of scientific ideas about the possibilities of constructing learning tasks in preschool education. The practical implementation of the technology of constructing learning tasks will create favorable conditions for the harmonious development of children in the system of preschool education.
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Recently, the activities of educational organizations and their directors are increasingly influenced by external and internal factors, which creates uncertainty regarding attainability of the set educational objectives. The growth in the number of initiated educational projects and programs enhances the negative level of influence of already existing factors on the effectiveness of the educational organization. Risk management is an iterative process that helps protect the values of educational institutions, make optimal decisions and improve effectiveness of work. The low level of organizations’ project maturity in the education system today has not made it possible to develop an adapted system of coordinated actions for the management of an educational organization in the field of risk. However, when launching an educational project or program, there are successful risk management practices that require theoretical understanding. In this regard, consideration of the principles and structure of risk management in educational systems is of particular importance and relevance. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to describe the principles and structure of risk management in educational projects and programs. The leading approach in this case is the systemic activity-oriented approach, which ensures the organization of an integral process of risk management in educational systems, increasing the productivity of the process and supporting the achievement of the goals of the project and program. As a result of the study, the authors of the article highlight the principles and structure of risk management in educational projects and programs that form eight characteristics of effective risk management and five components of the risk management structure. The theoretical significance of the article is due to the contribution to the development of scientific ideas about risk management in educational projects and programs. Practical use of the research results makes it possible to build more effective work on risk management in educational projects and programs.