Lyudmila Zhilina
ART 75075
The author shows what competencies obtained by studying of psycho-pedagogical disciplines will allow the future psychologists of education to solve the problems of health saving in sanatorium boarding schools.
ART 13561
The author substantiates the value of medical, psychological and pedagogical support of the pupils in the boarding school. The aim of the research was to investigate the psychological and pedagogical problems of upbringing and educating of adolescents in sanatorium boarding schools in order to prevent and overcome their multiple dysadaptation.
ART 13543
The author substantiates the importance of psycho-pedagogical support provided to first-year students during their adaptation to University life. The adaptation problems have been identified experimentally. The author also describes the experience of an academic adviser as well as various forms of psycho-pedagogical support provided to first-year students.
ART 13016
The authors of the article prove the topicality of the research by pointing out the strong negative tendencies in the contemporary Russian society: violence rise, increased number of dysfunctional families, juvenile delinquency and severe deterioration of young people’s health. The authors justify the importance of an educator in sanatorium boarding schools and describe the experience of such a tutor in creating health-saving educational environment and developing teenagers’ views on value of health and healthy lifestyle.