Karine Y. Breshkovskaya
ART 241202
The problem of emotional intelligence development is determined by special requirements of modern society to increase the level of social competence of an individual, including high school students. This quality helps them to cope with negative experience in learning activities and successfully adapt to new conditions of social interaction. The purpose of the work is to study the development of emotional intelligence in high school students, the main directions and methods of its development. When choosing methods and techniques for developing emotional intelligence in high school students, the authors took into account the theoretical positions b O.O. Andronnikova on the effectiveness of using art therapy methods in developing the skills of self-learning of their emotions, and the theoretical positions by D.I. Ponomareva on the effectiveness of using active teaching methods. When selecting methods for developing emotional intelligence, the authors relied on the theoretical provisions of L.V. Vasilevskaya, E.I. Baraeva, who recommended to develop indicators of emotional and social intelligence. The study of the problem allowed us to describe productive methods in developing emotional intelligence in students: developing awareness of emotions and emotional states (auto-training techniques); methods of analyzing emotional reactions (reflection and verbalization of emotions); methods of developing empathy (for example, educational games, role-playing games), methods of teaching active listening; methods of developing self-control of emotions and emotional states (psychogymnastics, gaming methods). In the course of the empirical study, it was revealed that the majority of high school students have an average level of emotional intelligence (diagnostics of emotional intelligence by N. Hall), 48% of respondents had an average level of the indicator according to the questionnaire of emotional intelligence by D.V. Lyusin, 40% of high school students had an average level of empathy development, 28% had a low level of empathy development, which indicates that their emotional response is insufficiently developed (method of diagnosing the level of empathic abilities by V.V. Boyko). Theoretical significance of the study: the work examines and classifies scientific ideas about emotional intelligence by foreign and domestic scientists; describes the leading models of the structure of emotional intelligence by S. Hall, L.B. Simonova and others. The authors analyzed the main approaches to the formation of the concept of "emotional intelligence" in foreign and domestic literature. Practical significance: diagnostic tools for the study were selected; the main directions and methods for developing emotional intelligence in high school students in the context of modern education were described; recommendations for educational psychologists on the development of emotional intelligence in high school students in the context of modern society were developed.