Keyword: «критическое мышление»

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This paper addresses the problem of formation of the critical thinking of students in the subject "Fundamentals of Philosophy." Given a generalized description of professional competences for young professionals on the subject studied. Particular attention is paid to the practical application of the basic model of technology development of critical thinking in the classroom philosophy, which are used in the work of the teacher. The author comes to the conclusion that the critical focus of the work should be the basis for the philosophy of teaching methods of the younger generation.
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The article is devoted to the organization of students’ activities based on critical thinking strategies studying the subarctic territories of the Arkhangelsk region. The author offers a list of possible topics and tasks for regional studies in the focus of English language teaching methodology.
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The article is devoted to the formation of critical thinking in the modern individual. The author proves the necessity to build and develop critical thinking in students and pupils.