Keyword: «мотивация»
ART 221022
The relevance of the problem under study is connected with the study of the peculiarities of the development of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education. The motivational sphere of a teacher, the value and meaning of professional activity is a powerful factor that determines professional development, sets its content, direction, intensity and patterns of using personal potential. The purpose of the study: to identify the level of development of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education, to design a psychological and pedagogical program for the development of motivation for innovative activity among teachers of additional education. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of developing an innovative system of additional education for children, the motivational sphere of a teacher. Research methods: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature; analysis, generalization and systematization of information from scientific sources); empirical (testing, questioning, pedagogical experiment); methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The study was conducted on the basis of the municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Center for Children's Creativity" in Tula. The study involved 20 teachers of additional education. The diagnostic program included the following methods: a scale of readiness for creative and innovative activity (S.Yu. Stepanov), diagnostics of personal self-actualization (A.V. Lazukin’s method adapted by N.F. Kalin), diagnostics of group motivation (I.D. Ladanov), assessing the readiness of a teacher to participate in innovative activities. The developed psychological and pedagogical program is aimed at improving the professional competence of additional education teachers, developing motivational readiness for innovative activities, positive thinking skills, etc. The developed program includes the following general forms of work: seminars, classes with elements of training, design, competition, creative tasks, etc. It is based on the following principles: science, system, availability, activity and consciousness. As part of the program, teachers of additional education master pedagogical techniques for developing motivation for innovation. The results of the study can be used in organizing psychological and pedagogical support for teachers of additional education.
Geometry is called the "science of beauty", but students dislike it because of its complexity. Drawings, numbers, letters, formulas– frighten students, as a result, they abandon the study of the subject. Unfortunately, teachers do not always manage to regain interest in the subject. In this article, we will look at interactive educational resources that will help motivate students to study geometry.