Keyword: «articulatory motor skills»
The article outlines the importance of speech development for a child's full and unhindered cognition of the surrounding world. Pure sound reproduction is the main criterion of beautiful speech, and therefore the need for its correction in children with speech pathologies is one of the key tasks of speech therapy. The results of the examination of articulatory motor skills of children with general speech underdevelopment (level III) are described, specific manifestations of violations when performing tasks of the methodology for examination in children of this category are identified and described. The definition of the concepts of «articulatory motor skills», «articulatory gymnastics», etc. is given. The essence of the concept of sensory-integrative articulatory gymnastics is revealed, the methods of its application and possible results are described in systematic classes using complexes with exercises of sensory-integrative gymnastics, its application in correctional speech therapy work.
His article presents the results of a survey of writing in younger schoolchildren with phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment, analyzes specific errors in writing reflecting articulatory and acoustic dysgraphy.