Keyword: «causes of stress for the "person-person" sphere employees»

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The factor that determines professional stress among the employees of beauty industry is, first of all, a high communicative load: intensity, duration and cognitive complexity of official communication. At the same time, these employees are not satisfied with the quality of their life usually: they experience social injustice, insecurity, loss of social prestige and status. The main external factors that play a significant role in the development of professional stress include role and organizational ones. Role-related stress factors include: role conflict; role-based uncertainty; dissatisfaction with professional and personal growth (self-actualization); low social status; role behavioral stereotypes that limit creative activity; isolation in a meaningful (reference) group; negative gender role attitudes, infringing rights and freedom of the individual. Organizational stress factors include: excessive level of stress and the amount of work, especially with unrealistic time limits; monotony of the work; large personal resources investment in work and the lack of recognition and positive evaluation; physical exhaustion, lack of rest or lack of normal sleep; work without further professional development; tension and conflicts in interpersonal relations; insufficient support from colleagues; emotional saturation or cognitive complexity of communication, etc.