Keyword: «differentiation»

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The article is devoted to the problem of individualization of education in accordance with the severity of preschool children deviation. The individualization of education is one of the main forms of work for speech therapists and preschool teachers.
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The article is devoted to justification of the selection of the competitive strategy of the institutions of children's additional education on the basis of such methods of the strategic analysis, as Porter five forces analysis, SPACE analysis, SWOT-analysis.
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In the paper lexical features of marginal declassed elements subcultures society elements are considered in two leading English-speaking countries – Great Britain and the USA, and also English-speaking marginal society, the subculture corresponding to it and a psychological component of this aspect. Sociolinguistic features of formation and functioning the sociolect lexicons of marginal subcultures in an areal sociolect differentiation. On the basis of the conducted research it is offered to allocate the sociolinguistic potential of verbal lingocreative activity of a lexicon of marginal subcultures users in aspects of areal geolect-historical and psychological differentiation.
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Knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of a brand or product helps evaluate opportunities and threats to words that which is the basis of competitive analysis. Measuring the ratio figure, which is aimed at evaluating the attitude toward the brand, before and after marketing activity, helps evaluate the activities efficiency and the overall efficiency of the strategy. Furthermore knowledge of the ratio helps full cost the reaction towards the new or modified product of a company. For that and for most of the other marketing decisions, the instrument called the parameters positioning map is used.
The article focuses on the constant change of the stratification structure of society and its impact on particular economic differentiation.