Keyword: «director»

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The main topic of the research is the representation of «exceptional people» in Western fictional films, i.e. of disabled people and people who essentially deviate from the standard, an issue, which hitherto has been little investigated by Russian scientists. Using a diachronic approach, the author analyzes the main stages of treatment to the unusual character by fiction film directors. The phenomenon is investigated in the context of socio-cultural historical changes, which determine the diversity of interpretation of the image. The fictional film reflects like a special kind of mirror the ongoing social processes and reacts to political, cultural and philosophical changes in human consciousness. At the same time, the image of «exceptional people» gives a strong impetus for the expansion of artistic tools, the development of expressive means of cinematic language and for the creative work of filmmakers. In this paper it will be looked at the main development of the image from the negative clichés of an outsider to the humanistic interpretation of an "exceptional person" and its role in the contemporary cinematic culture.
The article examines the influence of the documentary film «Kinoglaz» by DzigaVertov in the history of Soviet cinema. DzigaVertov's creativity becomes the main phenomenon in the formation of non-fiction cinema, that is, documentary filmmaking. The young producer begins to consider cinema no longer as a previously prepared artistic script, which, we note, the society of documentary filmmakers refer to the «fairy tales», but as a living organism perceiving reality in its present form. We are talking about the film «Kinoglaz», which changed the world view of Soviet art. The methods of depicting Vertov's real painting are innovative in the history of cinema, and force many artists to adopt an opinion about the work of realists who seek to convey the value and beauty of everyday life.