Keyword: «cinema»

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The main topic of the research is the representation of «exceptional people» in Western fictional films, i.e. of disabled people and people who essentially deviate from the standard, an issue, which hitherto has been little investigated by Russian scientists. Using a diachronic approach, the author analyzes the main stages of treatment to the unusual character by fiction film directors. The phenomenon is investigated in the context of socio-cultural historical changes, which determine the diversity of interpretation of the image. The fictional film reflects like a special kind of mirror the ongoing social processes and reacts to political, cultural and philosophical changes in human consciousness. At the same time, the image of «exceptional people» gives a strong impetus for the expansion of artistic tools, the development of expressive means of cinematic language and for the creative work of filmmakers. In this paper it will be looked at the main development of the image from the negative clichés of an outsider to the humanistic interpretation of an "exceptional person" and its role in the contemporary cinematic culture.
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The paper considers the parallels and interconnections between avant-garde art and cinema of the early twentieth century, traces the development of artistic and aesthetic techniques and characteristics of art perception in art and film of this period.
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In article the analysis of the phenomena of mass culture in which the historical phenomena of history XX of Russia are reflected century is given. The review of separate works of motion picture art is given, tendencies song creativity and in television are revealed. It is offered to methodological use of the phenomena of mass culture during studying of the course "History".
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The article reveals the specifics of film fragments use at Russian literature classes in the institution of secondary vocational education. The relevance of the analyzed problem does not cause doubts in the professional community. It is shown that the dialogization of literature and cinema meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for Secondary Educational Programs, contributes to the differentiation and individualization of the specialists’ training. In the process of mastering artistic texts, future professionals of “Yakutsk Art College named after P.P. Romanov” should analyze and interpret the work of art, using information on the history and theory of literature; analyze the episode (scene) of the studied work, explain its connection with the problematic of the work; to correlate fiction with public life and culture, to disclose the specific historical and universal content of the studied works. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of the cinema use at Russian literature classes for first year students of secondary vocational education. Analysis of the scientific literature on this topic has led to the actualization of the stages of work with film fragments, identifying methods for the synthesis of cinema and literature in the educational activities of students. In the process of the research, the following methods were used: study and analysis of literature, proven techniques for the adaptation of works of art, synthesis of experience. As a result of the study, it has been found out that the use of cinema art techniques at literature classes expands the students' horizons, raises interest in cinema art, increases the motivation to study the subject, the efficiency of learning the works. It is proved that the use of cinema art allows students to switch from reproductive to active, creative activity. The proposed methodological tools and techniques allow the teacher of literature to take into account the characteristic features of students' interest in cinema and to link the cinema viewer's experience to the process of literary and artistic development. This material may be used by students, teachers in educational and extracurricular activities.
The article reveals the role of the detective Sherlock Holmes in the world cinema. The comparison of images of the detective in the various countries is presented.