Keyword: «kirov region»
ART 14345
The paper contains the results of the analysis of the strategy of “KMA-Energosbyt” and justification of development strategy of regional division in the Kirov region, taking into account economic, political and organizational factors.
ART 75178
This paper presents the results of the analysis of options for horizontal integration of agricultural enterprises and study of one of them for companies Sloboda district, taking into account their level of development on the rating, financial condition and its stages.
ART 15260
The paper deals with a typical representative of the small ancient Russian cities – the Orlov city from the perspective of discipline “regional economy”. The authors show the current economic situation, problems and prospects of the city.
ART 15337
The paper presents the comparative description of quality and accessibility of public and municipal ser-vices, conducted in the Kirov region in 2013 and 2014.
ART 170003
The paper presents the concept of regional marketing showing the subjects and objects of regional marketing; discusses its impact on the attractiveness of the region. The examples of the Kirov region shows activities and opportunities in the field of regional marketing. The author gives a list of joint activities of regional marketing.