Aleksandr Nosov

City: Kirov
122 Publications in RSCI
17 H-index
25 PAPAI index
22 Publications in the journal


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The relevance of the studied problem is confirmed by the growing interest in using the methodological principles of logistics in various areas of scientific and practical activities of people. One of the most significant activities is pedagogics, which is the object of analysis for compatibility with logistics in this article. The aim of the study is to define and structure a new interdisciplinary direction, called "pedagogical logistics". The leading approach is to consider the pedagogical process as a system of flow components, united by a common goal. Logistics provides a methodology for optimizing flows of any nature and, in this context, is applicable to pedagogics. Pedagogical flows are considered as educational and upbringing, imposed on students, in conditions created by material and technical flows. The continuity of pedagogical flows is synchronized with managerial flows of staffing, quality control of educational processes and strategic planning. The article gives the author's vision of pedagogical flows composition: personnel, the flow of students, disciplinary and information, educational and material, technical, quality control, strategic planning. All the flows of pedagogical process pass through the entrance, internal and output stages and the basic concepts of procurement, production and distribution logistics are applicable to them. Disciplinary-information and educational-upbringing flows overlap each other and form a unique chain of information supply and organizational components for students. These flows form the content part of the pedagogical process, they are dependent on other pedagogical flows and require special attention. Material-technical flow forms the infrastructure of the pedagogical process and by its nature is the main object of logistics. The flow of quality control represents continuous feedback of both managerial monitoring of the pedagogical process quality and control and measurement materials on the competences of the students. The flow of strategic planning represents the data of the pedagogical process internal and external environment strategic analysis, the formation and updating of the objectives tree and planning of the corresponding activities. Theoretical significance of the research is to justify the possibility of applying the methodological basis of logistics to pedagogics, decomposition of its flows and definition of pedagogical logistics goal in the field of system integration of identified flows. The practical significance of the research is to provide a basis for optimizing the pedagogical process.
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The paper explains how to use PESTLE-analysis of macro-region logistics on an example of the Kirov region. The author offers a list of the most influencing factors of the regional logistics. Degree of importance and the strength of its influence on the region are given for each factor. The author builds profile macro-environment matrixr, opportunities matrix and threats matrix and makes conclusions.
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The paper presents the concept of regional marketing showing the subjects and objects of regional marketing; discusses its impact on the attractiveness of the region. The examples of the Kirov region shows activities and opportunities in the field of regional marketing. The author gives a list of joint activities of regional marketing.
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The paper describes the quality of transport services for passengers, system of quality indicators, methods determining their values and basic requirements to the transport network of passengers.
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The paper examines the state of agricultural logistics and its prospects. The author describes own vision on the formation of logistics complex and its capabilities in ensuring effective supply chain of agricultural products.