Keyword: «role-playing game»

The article describes the interactive situation al platform "Situation al game that helps with English speaking" created by us in the program for creating courses "Lectora Inspire" courses to help teach English in grades 7. Created 3 themes of problematic life situations in English: "In the doctor's office", "Conversation with a friend from America" and "At the airport check-in Desk", in the form of a dialogue with an interlocutor who will ask questions about the topic of the dialogue, where two of them will be made up incorrectly, there are buttons for drying the audio responses of the interlocutors. A test lesson was held at the school to test the platform. The conclusion was made about the experiment, and temporality in interactive role-play for students.
The article presents the results of an empirical study of the formation and development of cognitive interest in English lessons. The most effective forms of work, methods and technologies for the development of interest in the educational and cognitive process are using authentic materials and computer technologies, game method, role-playing, project method.
The article reveals the need to form preschoolers' ideas about professions through gaming activities. A category of children was identified with high, medium and low indicators of the level of formation of ideas about the world of professions according to the method of G. A. Uruntaeva and T. I. Grizik. The results of the formative stage of an empirical study with a group of children of senior preschool age are presented, aimed at forming ideas in preschool children about the world of professions in the conditions of play activity.