Keyword: «sect»

This article attempts to reveal the main reasons for people coming into the sect. sects differ from traditional religions were also considered. Also the model of prevention of youth involvement in religious sects was offered.
This article discusses the applicability of neurolinguistic programming in destructive cults, the characteristics of the people recruited into the sect.
The ingenious son of the Czech people, Jan Amos Comenius was the founder of pedagogical science. He is called the father of pedagogy, a teacher of nations. His pedagogical and philosophical works are permeated with the spirit of humanism and democracy, love and respect for people. Considering everything valuable that was accumulated in the past, in the field of the theory and practice of teaching and education, he created his own teaching, which, to this day, preserves its own modernity. In the didactic teaching of Comenius, an important place is occupied by the question of general principles of teaching, the essence of which was first revealed in his works. The doctrine of Jan Amos Comenius allows teachers to organize their activities, relying on the ideas of the scientist and the teacher, which to this day remain relevant.