Keyword: «security»

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In the article the author considers the economization of modern youth, as the establishment of an independ-ent mature person. Presents a comparative analysis of two sociological researches: a review of intergenera-tional relationships through financial assistance of parents that affect socialization, continuity and values of the younger generation.
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Child safety is one of the main tasks of civilized society. This problem is actualized in conditions of informatization of education, where every student has personal electronic devices and open Internet access. The paper attempts to answer the basic questions to ensure students' safety in the information educational environment: How to warn children against possible dangers and errors when using the Internet? Who should be responsible for the safety of students in the information educational environment? How to organize the safe networking of pupils in modern conditions of development of the information space?
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The paper considers main manifestations of sensitive behavior of mothers raising infants, depending on the directionality of verbal behavior and prevailing means of communication. The results of the study give the characteristics of speech behavior of mothers with different levels of willingness to adequate perception of infant signals, common to all types of recommendations on their recognition, understanding, values and subsequent adequate and rapid response.
Terrorism today - it's ingrained socio-political tradition. Terrorism - a problem that affects at present each State. The need to counter terrorism, maintaining its own security have become in the XXI century. one of the main problems of the current stage of development of human civilization on Earth. Along with natural and man-made, including man-made, the risks of disasters and emergencies with serious consequences, the growing threat of terrorist actions on society confirms the notion that human civilization - a civilization of risk. The risk of becoming a victim of a terrorist act is integral and has a social basis and social content in all aspects: the sources and a set of dangers in the dynamics of escalation in the threat of danger; in assessing and managing the vulnerability of the threat; a risk evaluation and implementation, and finally to ensure protivodeystviya terrorist attack. This risk, the price of which is determined by the degree seen in several "versions": as a commodity, as a socio-psychological basis for the emergence of fear - there appears a trigger effect, even when a very high level of risk becomes a signal for the mass media to public relations promotion predstavleny for him, inadequate perception and heighten stra¬ha. The result may be a hasty, ill-timed and podchas and simply erroneous decisions, leading eventually to kapitulyatsii of terrorists who exactly manipulating public perception of risk, solve their problems. Upomyanuty risk and its dynamics, in particular in real time are the basis of procedures and decision-making and realizatsii aimed at combating terrorism.
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The article is devoted to the analysis, structurally functional connections of the elements of the transport system, the identification of speed characteristics for the safe speed of the vehicle. The authors carried out a study on their vehicles towing speed characteristics on the road with different profiles.