Tatyana Ivanova

City: Tolyatti
186 Publications in RSCI
13 H-index
31 PAPAI index
24 Publications in the journal


Religion remains important in the modern world, despite the process of secularization. In the last 15-20 years there has been massivization attraction to religious rites and rituals. There is a need to analyze the phenomena of sacred being, which are always present in the world of everyday life, and most importantly - are one of the major types of motivation of social behavior. Religion is the main, the main factor influencing the design of the tender, the creation and preservation of certain expectations, orders assigned to men and women (ie. E. Gender stereotypes). Regulations and enforcement of appropriate masculinity and femininity can be different for different generations, different ethnic, cultural and religious groups, different backgrounds. This approach is important for Russia - a multi-religious, multi-ethnic country in which coexist sometimes diametrically opposed cultures. Until the middle of the XIX century the vast majority of scientific and theological studies conducted with dofeministskih positions based on the contention that the female experience is not related to the intellectual and spiritual spheres, which are a man's world, "closed" for women. The Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, the Torah and other sacred text, create innovators, men in the patriarchal attitudes reflected patriarchal views and attitudes canonized them as quotations, revelations, views, helped perpetuate patriarchy culture and justify it with the position of spiritual authority. Word of Scripture justify existing inequality of women, regardless of what the women in question - black, white, Muslim, Jewish or Christian. Traditional religions of different countries have played an important role in the formation of gender stereotypes that discriminate against Women in the background Male.
At present the Institute of Education is a leader in shaping the personality of the child. When we are talking about this institution, it is certainly a lot of discussion takes place. The reason is not hard to find. After all, learning is the main process in our lives. With it, the individual adapts to the surrounding reality, using the experience of previous generations. Pollsters treat learning as a relatively permanent change in human behavior or abilities, which is a consequence of experience. For society, education is a very important process and one can not let go of it to chance. The Company may take on the task to transmit certain attitudes, knowledge and skills of its members through formal training - what sociologists call education. Education is one of the aspects of human socialization, it can be attached to the individual culture becomes necessary for his life in a society, forms of behavior. It is a process in which some individuals have the status of teachers, and others - the student performing the role corresponding to these statuses. The role of parents in the education system takes paramount. The relevance of the chosen theme is that in Russian society there are various changes in economic, political and social terms. These changes affected the education system. They touched almost all its elements - the content of education, methods and forms of learning, evaluation methods, management structures, funding, etc. There is a transformation of the education system and we need to define the role of parents in the education of children in this transformation.
Urbanization is a very topical subject of research. Actively exploring its social, economic, demographic, environmental aspects. Along with them very relevant is the perception of the urban environment in the structures of everyday experience of citizens. Daily life - one of the areas of human experience, characterized by a special form of perception and understanding of the world. The world of everyday life - it's not just the personal, private world of one individual and the objective world, common to all people experienced the same thing. Surrounding people live together not only in general for their world, but it includes as an integral part thereof. The physical existence of other people, their conscious life, the ability to communicate with them, cash social organization and culture - all this is an integral part of city life. By their actions, people define the world of life, their actions are focused on this world, it is a test of the effectiveness and action. Each person creates a world of his own life. Each individual creates their distinctive social and physical environments and that it responds. The modern city is an attractive place to stay, providing ample opportunity for the disclosure of the identity. The space of the city becomes the embodiment and personification of the modern lifestyle, outlook, as well as being rich in different possibilities of activities, saturation, social information, and cultural integration. Unchanged is the desire of citizens to own a house or apartment in an area with clean air, away from industrial enterprises, equipped with seating areas, landscaped courtyards, playgrounds and gardens. The physical space can contribute to a feeling of comfort, harmony and consistency with the human environment or, conversely, can cause feelings of alienation. With considerable social heterogeneity population of the city forms a single territorial entity. To varying degrees, all residents enjoy a whole city and its suburban area - a place of employment and recreation. To varying degrees, all citizens contribute to the formation of the urban environment, contributing to its territorial differentiation and giving its characteristic features. The city is artificially created object is a functional system for the implementation of the expanding needs. However, not only is the sense of the city. City - this is a special way to the maintenance and development of sociality, a method of preservation and reproduction of values and stereotypes, the creation and distribution of a special intellectual and spiritual atmosphere, traditional behavior. City, combining the people and their relationships with each other, various social institutions and organizations, building and civil engineering constructions, natural elements, and more, has some special properties are obvious, samopodtverzhdeniya ("autopoiesis of the city").
Due to the profound changes that have taken place in Russian society in the last decade of XX century., The problem of socialization of the members of a modern Russian society are particularly relevant. In particular, due to the acute problems of socialization of young people in the transformation of the Russian society, the attention of researchers requires Institute of Education as one of the most important institutions of socialization of young people. In this regard, it is appropriate to study the socialization process at different stages of the structure of the educational system, as educational institutions at every single stage perform their specific functions and are put before them certain tasks, also have their own specifics. Of considerable interest is the theoretical and practical study of professional socialization in a modern Russian society. First, against the backdrop of economic transformation of the Russian society occurred rejection of the concept of human "administrative" and the adoption of a new concept of "economic man", which was based on its own economic interest of the individual that determines the content of work. Second, in the current circumstances, people, especially young people, appeared in the implementation of social, including professional risks. In many ways, this contributed to the emerging socio-economic inequality, political instability, value "erosion" of consciousness and behavior, often leading to indifference to life, studies, social activities, social irresponsibility. Third, professional self-determination of young people against the background of the transformation of moral values in modern society.The relevance of the study of higher education as an institution of professional socialization is that since the 1990s. there is a steady increase in the number of universities and students in them. At the same time, many problems and contradictions in the field of higher education and remain unresolved.
Terrorism today - it's ingrained socio-political tradition. Terrorism - a problem that affects at present each State. The need to counter terrorism, maintaining its own security have become in the XXI century. one of the main problems of the current stage of development of human civilization on Earth. Along with natural and man-made, including man-made, the risks of disasters and emergencies with serious consequences, the growing threat of terrorist actions on society confirms the notion that human civilization - a civilization of risk. The risk of becoming a victim of a terrorist act is integral and has a social basis and social content in all aspects: the sources and a set of dangers in the dynamics of escalation in the threat of danger; in assessing and managing the vulnerability of the threat; a risk evaluation and implementation, and finally to ensure protivodeystviya terrorist attack. This risk, the price of which is determined by the degree seen in several "versions": as a commodity, as a socio-psychological basis for the emergence of fear - there appears a trigger effect, even when a very high level of risk becomes a signal for the mass media to public relations promotion predstavleny for him, inadequate perception and heighten stra¬ha. The result may be a hasty, ill-timed and podchas and simply erroneous decisions, leading eventually to kapitulyatsii of terrorists who exactly manipulating public perception of risk, solve their problems. Upomyanuty risk and its dynamics, in particular in real time are the basis of procedures and decision-making and realizatsii aimed at combating terrorism.