Keyword: «self-forming»

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The article is focused on the specific aspects of the modeling of pedagogical interaction resource-pedagogical presentation within the wide range of university courses. The model of pedagogical interaction that creates the environment favorable for including the future teacher in the process of multiple activities is also described. It is argued that the quality of the future teacher inclusion in different types of scientific and pedagogical activities defines the level of his self-dependent living activities culture.
The article is devoted to the formation of the self-assessment of preschool children 5-6 years old. It is shown that self-esteem in children is formed in the preschool years. A study on the formation of self-evaluation of preschool children using the "ladder" techniques VG Schur, "Draw yourself" A.M.Prihozhan, "Cactus" MA Panfilova. The model of formation of the self-assessment of preschool children 5-6 years old.
The paper reveals the conditions affecting the formation of self-esteem, as well as the impact of parent-child relationship in the formation of the self-assessment of the senior preschool age children. Influence of relationships on self-esteem of teachers of preschoolers. The mechanisms of formation of self-assessment in the preschool child in the assessment of significant adults (parents, teachers); based on their own experience; to communicate with their peers on the basis of information as a result of the solution of specific problems.