Larisa Chalova
ART 76146
The study illustrates the expressiveness of the figurative comparison and contrast logical with structural and component analysis for. The latter, in turn, presented in the form of diagrams, tables which allow collected to make the process of teaching foreign languages stability and logical sequence. In this regard, we con-sider relevant the development of visually-bulleted items for the presentation of the grammatical structures of a foreign language.
ART 76145
The article presents a multilevel classification Express-tional language which creates the comic effect; pol-lastrini wana contexts found in the stories of American writer O. Genri
ART 76144
Students have trouble expressing with words read over from the lack of a specific image. Quality readable material, his insight and analysis to help the student clearly understand the essence of the stated. The de-velopment of horizons when reading domestic and foreign literature, the identification of Fi-Gur speech, their correct interpretation, create favorable conditions for the actualization of cognitive function during the learn-ing interaction.
ART 76143
Concepts are expressed through language, through the stage of Dover-ball formation. This, along with a logical process in the mind the person may be psychological, resulting in the emergence of individual sys-tems of concepts. The study of the ways of verbalization of the concepts of the artwork shows a close rela-tionship in a specific state of nature with the various human senses. For a positive effect of methodological prerequisite is the formation of the foundations of language competence. This to-gets as favourable condi-tions for effective immersion in the language environment during the learning interaction.
ART 12177
Investigation of different semantic substances in the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray which embodied the creed of aestheticism of an Irish-born author Oscar Fingal O’Flahertie Wills Wilde (he spent most of his career in England) allows to specify various aspects and phases of personality deformation