Keyword: «teaching foreign languages»

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The author deals with some aspects and peculiarities of the competence approach and ways of formation of cultural competence of students of international relations department. The author defines the most effective methods and ways in teaching foreign languages from the perspective of the competence approach.
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The author deals with the issues of cultural development and professional training of future teachers of History and English as a Foreign Language. Preparing students for their future professional activity in the field of education we should bear in mind that studying languages and culture, integrating academic, research and cultural activities in socio-cultural regional environment give a strong impetus to professional growth and cultural development of the graduate.
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The author sums up the author’s experience in using didactic materials of detective genre while teaching cross-cultural communication at a linguistic university to increase the students’ motivation to learning. The author attempts to illustrate how various teaching methods involving whodunits and detective fiction boost interactive and visual compounds of a class and enhance its authenticity, which, in turn, increases creativity and emotional involvement of the students in ESL learning. Motivational component of ESL teaching, creativity, whodunit at ESL classes, interactive games at a foreign language lesson, visualization at ESL classes, authenticity of teaching materials.
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The study illustrates the expressiveness of the figurative comparison and contrast logical with structural and component analysis for. The latter, in turn, presented in the form of diagrams, tables which allow collected to make the process of teaching foreign languages stability and logical sequence. In this regard, we con-sider relevant the development of visually-bulleted items for the presentation of the grammatical structures of a foreign language.
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Teaching foreign languages includes many aspects. Some problems of teaching linguistic-regional aspect (country study) are considered in this article. Linguistic and cultural studies are culture and civilization of any country. Linguistic and cultural aspect is presented in this work as the main, integral part of language acqui-sition.