Irina A. Terskikh

City: Taganrog, Russian Federation
Degree: Сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Work: Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov, branch of the Rostov State University of Economics
Post: Associate Professor
0 Publications in RSCI
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5 PAPAI index
1 Publications in the journal


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The relevance of studying the issue of the relationship between emotional and intellectual components of learning and cognitive activity of primary school students is due to the fact that currently primary attention is paid to the thinking processes in the cognitive activity of students. The increase in the amount of information that needs to be assimilated in modern conditions has sharpened and strengthened the value of a person's intellectual abilities. This has led to a well-known underestimation of the role of emotions, narrowing the cognitive activity of the student to rational forms of learning the educational material. In addition, a unified theory of educational cognition has not yet been developed, so there is no theory where the relationship of emotions and intelligence would be one of the priorities. The article examines the role and place of emotional and intellectual components of learning and cognitive activity of primary school students; the structure of the emotional component and its impact on the intellectual development of a young student. The intellectual component includes the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of thinking; the emotional development of students requires thoughtful and purposeful guidance of emotions on the part of the teacher. In the learning process, these components act in a permanent unity. However, a number of methods of the primary school teacher's influence on the emotional and intellectual spheres of students have not yet been sufficiently described in pedagogical theory and they are not used enough in mass school. Despite the fact that the role and place of emotional and intellectual components in the learning and cognitive activity of a young student have been considered in the works of many well-known teachers and psychologists, it has not yet been possible to create a coherent, clear theory of educational cognition, where the relationship of emotions and intelligence would be one of the priorities. In this regard, the authors’ research was aimed at finding ways to simultaneously influence on the intelligence and emotions of students in order to improve the quality of learning and cognitive activity of a primary school student and determine the pedagogical conditions for their implementation. The authors have identified and experimentally tested the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the interrelation of emotional and intellectual components in the learning and cognitive activities of primary school children, allowing them to achieve high learning outcomes.
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At present, a number of issues related to the formation of primary school students’ worldview is not mentioned even in a sense of their principal formulation: structure of worldview ideas in primary school age, didactic conditions for their successful formation; content of worldview ideas in the process of teaching school subjects at the sage of primary education. The range of worldview ideas that primary school should give, the volume and content of worldview knowledge, skills, the volume and content of worldview feelings, volitional properties of the students' personality; the influence of emotional-volitional and activity-oriented practical factors on the formation of students’ worldview is not clearly identified. Thus, we can find the contradiction between the great significance of the problem under study and its insufficient solution in the pedagogical theory. The purpose of the study is to identify the pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of worldview ideas among primary school students in the process of acquiring knowledge. There are various approaches to explaining the essence of the learning process in the pedagogical theory: by V. V. Davydov, P. Ya. Galperin, V. I. Zagvyazinsky, M. M. Makhmutov and others. In our research, we proceed from the epistemological essence of the learning process in the study of S. Р. Baranov, who revealed the role and place of worldview ideas in the process of acquiring knowledge, emphasizing the importance of these ideas’ systematization. The study of the problem of worldview ideas formation among primary school students in the process of acquiring knowledge has led us to a principal idea, which makes up the core of the problem under study and revealing the dependence of the process of worldview ideas formation from the general laws of the cognition process. To effectively control the process of forming students' worldview ideas, the primary school teacher must identify the content and range of ideas about the world around them; know the level of each student’s knowledge; know the educational opportunities of the learning process, including those of the curriculum, educational programs, manuals, etc. The theoretical significance of the research is as follows: the concept and features of worldview ideas about the surrounding world among primary school students are revealed; pedagogical conditions that ensure the formation of students' worldview ideas are identified and experimentally confirmed. The practical significance of the work is determined by the fact that the conclusions and theoretical recommendations contained in it can be used in the educational process of primary schools.