Marina R. Vanyagina

City: Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Work: Saint-Petersburg Military Zhukov’s Order Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation; Herzen Pedagogical University
Post: Professor, Department of Foreign Languages; Candidate for a Doctor's Degree
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Federal state educational standards of higher military education of a new generation concerning most specialties prescribe the necessity for students to develop a universal competence "communication" (UC-4). It means the ability to use modern communicative technologies with the help of foreign languages for academic and professional interaction. Besides the importance of foreign languages proficiency in modern information society is generally recognized. Most researchers in the field of teaching foreign languages distinguish foreign-language professional and communicative competence as the main reference point for language training of specialists in various areas of higher education, where the professional component of the competence is considered from the point of view of the use of a foreign language in professional activities. The military sphere in the context of the fundamentalization of language training of non-linguistic specialists have not been fully investigated. The aim of the work is to consider foreign language communicative military-professional competence as the main goal of teaching foreign languages in a higher military school, determine its structure, analyze its components, and highlight ways to assess the level of competence components development. Research methods are theoretical analysis of literature and regulations, extrapolation of pedagogical experience, generalization and systematization of data. Sub-competences and their components that are part of foreign-language communicative military-professional competence are highlighted: linguistic (language and speech components), socio-cultural (background and intercultural components), pragmatic (strategic and compensatory components), information (information-receptive and information-productive components), self-educational (organizational and developmental components), military-professional (terminological, discursive and operational components). Examples of tasks for monitoring the level of competence components formation are given, such as lexical-grammatical and cultural tests, expert assessment, communicative tasks, information search, self-analysis, projects, etc. The significance of the study is in the fact that the theoretical basis for studying the main competence within the framework of the "foreign language" discipline in the higher military school is constructed. It makes it possible to improve the methodological system for monitoring the dynamics of the development of foreign language communicative military-professional competence among students of the higher military school. Research perspectives involve scaling criteria and defining descriptors of competence components assessment to create an up-to-date fund of assessment materials.
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The relevance of the study on the topic of retraining and advanced training of teachers is due to the need for lifelong education to adapt to rapidly changing conditions. There is a need to improve the system of further professional education for teachers of foreign languages because of the rapid development of science, technology and the growing role of a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication and transferring of professional information in the modern world of globalization, integration and digitalization. Teachers of foreign languages working in a higher professional school must periodically undergo retraining or advanced training in accordance with the need to meet the current requirements of the methodology of foreign languages teaching and have information on the students’ specialization. The purpose of the article is to identify the needs of the system of retraining and advanced training of foreign languages teachers of the military higher school and present practical recommendations to novice teachers of a higher military school to overcome the difficulties of adaptation. Scientific methods of analyzing the literature on the problem of research, extrapolation of pedagogical experience and expert survey were used. Both domestic and foreign researchers recognize the need to modernize the system of additional professional education, develop professional autonomy of teachers, preserve the continuity of classical ideas of the methodology of foreign languages teaching and introduce innovative technologies into teaching practice, primarily information and communication ones. The survey, in which 45 foreign languages teachers of military higher school took part, showed the need for language courses for special purposes for teachers of higher education, and demonstrated that universities differently solve the problem of adapting new teachers to the educational environment of a specialized non-linguistic university. Adaptation options are offered such as mentoring, a novice teacher's school, additional training and retraining courses, and independent adaptation. Recommendations are given on the organization of advanced training courses for teachers of foreign languages in the higher military school. It is preferable to include the relevant topics into the content of the courses, such as the basics of military affairs, language for special purposes. It is recommended to take into account the strict regulation of educational activities in military higher school; involve mentors, training specialists; organize attending the classes of leading teachers.
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Foreign languages teaching at a higher military school is an important process for the formation of a military specialist. In order to manage effectively foreign languages teaching at a higher military school, it is necessary to highlight key elements of the process and understand how they interact. The purpose of the work is to simulate the process of teaching foreign languages in higher military schools and describe the models obtained. Universal methods of scheme design have been applied. The author used categorical-symbolic methods of logic-sense modeling. Simple and extended functional interaction schemes have been developed. A functional resource of energy is presented at the entrance of the scheme of a foreign language teaching system in a military higher school. It’s a social order for a qualified military specialist with knowledge of foreign languages. The second block of schemes’ interacting elements includes teachers, students and learning environment in the simple scheme; a programming unit (a foreign language training system, including goals, principles, content, means and technologies) and an executive body (department of foreign languages of a higher military school) in an expanded scheme. As a result of the interaction, students’ foreign-language communicative competence is formed; the students master their foreign language for professional purposes. At the end of the process (the last block of scheme) we can see a military specialist who is able to use a foreign language in everyday and professional activities effectively. The need to distinguish between the English terms "teaching" and "learning," both denoting "education," is emphasized. The learning process is viewed from two points of view. The learning process is also presented in the form of circular phased schemes, from the position of the teacher (planning, organization, implementation, evaluation, adjustment) and from the position of the student (perception, understanding, training, application, creativity). Modeling the process of teaching foreign languages at a higher military school contributes to the expansion of the theoretical base of the methodology of foreign languages teaching in military higher schools. It makes it possible to unify the design, implementation and management of foreign language teaching.