Keyword: «mentoring»

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The paper is devoted to modern technology of educational tasks designing – storytelling. The authors views peculiarities, functions and types of pedagogical storytelling; propose main themes-constructors; gives ex-amples of application at practical lessons and seminars at the University.
The author considers the problems related to mentoring as a significant learning strategy that involves providing students with emotional and instrumental support during the period of study in higher education institutions. By providing informative, guiding and motivational support, mentors aim to play a significant role in stimulating students’ aspirations and preparing them for future careers. The article tries to answer a number of challenges faced by modern students, both during training and in the subsequent professional activities, and offers practical recommendations in the context of traditional foreign language classes at the University.
The article discusses the urgent problem of improving the qualifications of primary school teachers in the context of the rapid digitalization of the lifelong education system and the improvement of information technologies. The author draws attention to the fact that in the context of the digital transformation of education, it is important to provide support to primary school teachers in their professional, personal and cognitive development. form recommendations for improving their qualifications in the face of the complexity of teaching.
The article describes a study of the concept of "pedagogical facilitation", discusses the relevance of applying a facilitative approach at the military aviation University in the activities of teachers in the context of development of professionally significant qualities of students, described the study of the level of pedagogical facilitation among teachers of the military aviation University
the materials of the article reflect the study of the problem of adolescent loneliness. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the age-related characteristics of the phenomenon of adolescent loneliness among students in grades 7-8 and 10-11. The research was carried out on the basis of the questionnaire "Differential questionnaire of feelings of loneliness" (E.N. Osin, D.A. Leontiev). The use of the comparative method indicates the absence of differences in the experience of situations of solitude between adolescents and with high school students.