Veronika B. Veretennikova

City: Kazan, Russian Federation
Degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Work: Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Post: Associate Professor, Department of Preschool Education, Institute of Psychology and Education
0 Publications in RSCI
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3 PAPAI index
2 Publications in the journal


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The high rates of socio-economic changes in society and new challenges have led to a transformation in the content of training for young specialists in university pedagogical education. In this context, the modern university is faced with the task of intensifying social partnership in preparing students who are able to quickly become involved in the content and nature of professional activities caused by transformations in the labor market. The purpose of the study is to present a classification of types of social partnership in university teacher education and its content. At the same time, the presented classification will facilitate interaction with other representatives of society, namely with the labor market in order to carry out training, education, socialization of young people and their professional training as young specialists. The methodological basis for determining the types and content of the classification of students in social partnership training was the systemic activity-oriented and qualimetric approaches. The work used the general scientific method of analyzing regulatory documents and scientific pedagogical literature in higher education, as well as the Zwicky Cube method, which allows to determine the management strategy in teacher education at the university in the context of the “Three Missions of the University” implementation so that universities can see their strengths, which they can rely on, and choose the planned strategic direction, which will become a highly competitive advantage for them. To conduct a pedagogical examination of the social partnership components in the training of students, the method of group expert assessments was used, which makes it possible to detail their content in the form of a classification of the training of students as future qualified specialists. The scientific novelty of the research lies in determining the content of entrepreneurial, innovative and classical partnerships in the training of student teachers. As a result, the presented classification of social partnership types in the training of students allows us to determine strategic directions of activity in the organization of interaction between the academic community and the labor market in the context of the implementation of the "Three Missions of the University". The results of this study can be used by administration and university teachers when organizing social partnerships with the labor market for effective interaction in a modern market economy and the training of future qualified specialists.
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Modern specific pedagogical trends in the field of teacher education determine the need for changes in the professional training of students – future educators of preschool organizations. At the same time, the career orientations of future teachers are one of the basic resources for solving the problems of teacher education, which help students formulate their own learning goals, make decisions based on the needs of the preschool education sector and the demands of the labor market. The purpose of the study outlined in the article is to identify the characteristics of career orientations of students in the educational process in order to acquire professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills, competences and to form effective professional orientation associated with professional and personal self-determination. To achieve this goal, an experimental study was conducted, in which 28 students of the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan (Volga Region) University took part. The methodological basis of the study was determined by the methods of analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, questioning and generalization of pedagogical experience. The definition of leading career orientations was carried out using E. Shane’s questionnaire. The obtained data were processed using a licensed version of the Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet editor. As a result of the study, empirical data are presented on determining the career orientations of future teachers of preschool organizations and illustrating the individualization of their learning process, which ensures self-government and self-improvement of the individual taking into account the needs and values of students in combination with the professional component. The materials of the study and its results can be used to improve the educational and methodological support of the professionalization process, as well as to improve the effective organization of independent work of students of a pedagogical university, including that within the framework of individual educational trajectories.
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Socio-economic challenges have actualized the problem of improving the quality of human potential in the system of higher education, which ensures the favorable conditions for the individual-personal system of training a future teacher based on interaction with labor market partners. The solution to this problem requires the study of professional identity, which ensures the successful self-realization of students in building their careers in professional and pedagogical spheres in the process of forming professional orientation of the individual to meet the needs for social and professional development. Purpose: this work is devoted to the study of the characteristics of the professional identity of student teachers to activate the process of forming professional orientation of the individual, contributing to the self-control and self-development of students according to their individual educational trajectories, together with labor market partners. The main provisions of the of professional identity study by S.K. Bondyreva, U.S. Rodygina, L..B. Schneider and others make the methodological basis of the work. The professional orientation of the person was considered on the basis of the provisions formulated by Yu.A. Afonkina, T.L. Mironova and others. Determination of the degree of professional identity development was carried out with the use of the questionnaire by U.S. Rodygina (2007). The level of professional orientation formation was diagnosed according to the method of V.B. Veretennikova, O.F. Shikhova, N.V. Telegina (2021). The received data were processed using a licensed version of the Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet editor. The study resulted in presentation of empirical data on identifying the characteristics of the professional identity of students in the process of forming professional orientation as an integrative quality of a future teacher of a preschool organization, represented by a system of his/her dominant professional needs, motives, value orientations, which is embodied in the professional intentions, goals, attitudes of the student and active work for their achievement in educational relations. The novelty of the results lies in the possibility of designing individual education to form the professional orientation of students by meeting their individual needs and requests necessary for self-determination in the profession. The experience of the authors in designing individual higher education allows us to build educational and professional work in a new way, as well as successfully implement the variability of education and the formation of a professional orientation, which contribute to building an individual curriculum for students for self-determination at all stages of education at a university, as well as successful adaptation of university graduates to the conditions of their workplace.
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One of the urgent problems of Russian higher pedagogical education is the need for its individualization as a way to increase students' motivation to master universal, general professional and specific professional competences. According to the author of the article, the solution of this complex problem is associated with the development of individual educational plans of an advanced nature and the design of individual educational trajectories (IET) on their basis, implementing the educational potential of students' independent work, the opportunities of cooperation pedagogy and taking into account the inclinations and interests of students in learning to cope with different types and tasks of pedagogical activity. The goal is to present the author's model of designing individual educational trajectories of students – future teachers of preschool organizations, providing for the use of distance educational technologies in organizing students' independent work. Based on the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, this model takes into account methodological approaches: competence-based, systemic, personality-oriented and qualimetric ones, which makes it possible to design and implement IET principles of professional orientation, motivation, self-organization and advanced training., The method of pedagogical qualimetry was chosen as the main research means – a group expert assessment, which allows us to algorithmize the assessment and measurement procedures. The method of modeling and design is also involved. A model for designing individual educational trajectories of students – future teachers of preschool organizations on the basis of individual curricula in cooperation with teachers is proposed. The design of this model is described in detail to create organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation and development of universal, general professional and specific professional competences, taking into account the personal interests and needs of students, that differs from most others, which also help monitor the quality of the educational process. The research materials can be useful to the administration and academic staff of universities in organizing the educational process according to individual educational trajectories. IET design can be used with appropriate adaptation in the system of retraining and advanced training of teachers of preschool organizations.