Irina Lapshina

City: Moskva
0 Publications in RSCI
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7 PAPAI index
4 Publications in the journal


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The article analyzes the situation of cryptocurrency spreading in a number of modern countries, examines the problems arising on the way of legal regulation of cryptocurrency turnover. It also offers a forecast of the situation with the spread of cryptocurrencies in the world, and analysis of positive and negative aspects of its application.
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The article explores the establishment and development of the English legal system. The influence of the Roman law on the development of the law of England in the period of its formation is evaluated. The author makes analysis of the formation stages of common law and justice law characteristic features in the Middle Ages period, as well as changes in English law institutions during modern period. The current condition of English law is characterized.
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The article is devoted to the analysis of recent novelties in the Federal law «About citizenship of the Russian Federation». The article studies the provisions of the amendments concerning the introduction of Oath upon the Russian Federation citizenship granting, revocation of citizenship granting, changes in the conditions for the Russian Federation citizenship granting to citizens of Ukraine. The authors draw conclusions on the novelties, noting their both positive and negative sides.
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The paper is devoted to the features of legal higher education in the countries of Romano-Germanic (the FRG) and Anglo-Saxon (the USA) legal system. The authors give the comparative analyses of the rules, teaching methods, programs of study in the juridical colleges and universities. The conclusions are made, concerning the application of some elements of these systems in the legal education in the Russian Federation.