Keyword: «мотивация»

This article examines the peculiarities of professional motivation among novice teachers in the context of the challenge of retaining young professionals in the modern Russian school system. The analysis encompasses domestic and international research on the motivation for choosing the teaching profession, exploring the patterns of how internal, external, and altruistic motives influence professional satisfaction. The study presents the results of interviews with novice teachers, aimed at identifying changes in motivation for professional activity at the beginning of their teaching careers and the influencing factors. The research reveals that many respondents, initially drawn to teaching by internal and altruistic motives, increasingly shift attention to external motives upon engaging in direct pedagogical activities. This shift is attributed to insufficient awareness of the realities of teaching, high workload, and a lack of understanding about career development within the profession. Overall, this increases the risks of early career departure, emphasizing the need to strengthen the value-based foundations during both the teacher training period and the initial phase of professional engagement.
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The relevance of the topic under research is determined by the fact that creative thinking is a forerunner of innovations necessary for the development of society. Creative thinking fosters generating complex ideas, decision making, personal growth, also adaptation to the modern world requirements in the context of globalization and competition with artificial intelligence among professionals. Moreover, the digital era shifts focus from the transfer of knowledge to students to application of this knowledge in problem-solving. Foreign language classes, English classes in particular, open up an opportunity to unleash students' creative potential. Thus, the article aims to outline factors affecting positively the formation and development of creative skills in students in the English language classroom at a non-linguistic university. The research draws on the humanistic approach to teaching which underpins students' self-actualization. Apart from that, the work takes the tenets of the cognitivism theory as a starting point considering learners to be active participants of cognitive activity. An important role in the research is played by Vygotsky's sociocultural theory positing the value of students' interaction for acquisition of knowledge and skills. The findings of this study revealed specific features of creative thinking, its multidimensionality is shown. Theoretical knowledge about the nature of the concept under study enables to identify a number of factors ensuring activating creative thinking skills in foreign language teaching: teacher's personality and behavior, an effective learning environment, principles underpinning learning tasks. Theoretical implication of the article is due to a complex description of creative thinking that allows to deeper understand its nature and on this basis properly integrate it in English language teaching. Practical implication of the article lies in the fact that factors of activating creative thinking skills identified in the study can be applied in syllabuses and curricula design depending on the learning context, aims and learners' needs. The described principles underpinning the creative tasks allow to expand teacher's methods and maintain students' interest and motivation for learning English.