Keyword: «мотивация»
The theoretical foundations of cognitive activity of older preschool children are considered. The goals, objectives and methods, techniques of effective assimilation of older preschool children to cognitive activity are determined. the solution of this problem is in line with the formation of readiness for school education in preschool children. Studies indicate a significant decrease (correlating with the norm) in the cognitive activity of children on the threshold of schooling. Children do not have a sufficiently formed need for independent cognition of the surrounding reality, a stable cognitive attitude to the world.
The purpose of the study: to study the features of cognitive activity in older preschool children.
The article is devoted to the methods of unsupervised students’ labour while learning a foreign language. The article proves the idea about the effectiveness of this job only on the foundation of students’ interest in acquiring knowledge, as well as intrinsic motivation for independent extracurricular activity, which in turn, should be created and supported constantly by a teacher. It is noted here, the unsupervised labour of students planned properly, organized and monitored according to methodology, is an important condition for achievement high outcomes in learning. It will contribute to the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills and abilities.