Keyword: «мотивация»
The article describes the results of a study of motivational factors of conformal behavior of high school students. The significance of the influence of an authoritative personality, group on the conformal behavior of high school students is substantiated. It is shown that the psychological basis of conformity is the high suggestibility of a teenager, involuntary imitation. It is proved that motivational factors of conformal be-havior of high school students are the motives of affiliation and independence, the effect of which is mediat-ed by the degree of significance of the group exerting influence.
The article presents the results of a study on the professional self-determination of adolescents and examines the factors influencing the choice of a future profession by high school students. The analysis of the requirements imposed on the employee and the coincidences with his personal qualities and capabili-ties, as well as the presence of high motivation to obtain the chosen profession, is given.
The article presents digital educational resources that math teachers can use both in the classroom and outside of school hours in order not only to systematize knowledge, but also to broaden the horizons of students.
ART 232013
Studying the needs of personnel in an organization is a key factor in achieving high work motivation of personnel today. The article discusses various approaches to the concept of need, as well as the motivational process itself. They are widely used to understand and improve employee performance. The purpose of the article is to diagnose the dominant needs of personnel in an organization and their impact on the motivation to work. The results of the study can be used as a basis for improving motivation systems for personnel in commercial organizations.
ART 231115
The significance of the problem refers to the demand for English writing skills among different specialists as well as for the ways of their effective development by means of increasing student engagement in learning process. Besides, insufficient coverage of the student writing engagement is noted. Consequently, the article aims at a full consideration of the concept of student engagement, its relation to motivation, as well as the description of its enhancement strategies when teaching English writing. The angle of the research is determined by the framework of the humanistic approach which takes into account students' interests, aspirations, expectations, therefore, the lessons are characterized by student centeredness and sustaining intrinsic motivation. The study is also carried out from the standpoint of the self-determination theory assuming that student involvement increases when the main students' psychological needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness are met. Also the tenets of sociocultural theory become relevant as they imply that learning happens in interaction with other people, where the exchange of ideas and discussion of the acquired knowledge matter. In addition, the work is based on the process approach to teaching writing. It comprises the following stages: prewriting, planning, writing of a first draft, its redrafting and revising, proofreading. The literature review made it possible to identify the components of student engagement such as: behavioral, emotional (affective), cognitive and social. The article provides the description of each component accompanied by a number of their development strategies. The theoretical significance of the research refers to a complex description of student engagement that expands the perspective on the motivation problem in teaching writing, as well as open up new opportunities for development and sustaining self-regulated learning in this field. The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that the findings can be used when designing programs in foreign language writing in different learning contexts taking into consideration the students' needs and goals. Implementation of the described strategies for increasing student engagement in teaching English writing lays the foundation for students’ positive attitude towards the learning process and fosters their motivation.