Keyword: «рефлексия»

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The article is devoted to the problem of humanization of the process of training of students of technical universities on the basis of the application of technology counter efforts. This technology allows to avoid facilitate the process of learning, thus making it emotionally attractive, because it allows to combine in studying the cognitive, emotional and volitional aspects. The training is based on the joint efforts of equal participants, subjects, teacher and student. Implies the occurrence of feedback, evaluation of results of training, equality of the subjects of
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The article is devoted to the description of the concept «psychological culture of a person» and its role in the supplying modern teachers with the professional success. The author presents the results of empiric research according to the peculiarities of the psychological culture of comprehensive school teachers.
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The article is devoted to the questions of realization psychological and pedagogical assistance by school teachers in professional and personal self-determination of seniors. The authors offer stage-by-stage realization of assistance tactics, describe its means.
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The article is devoted to the questions of technological support of the development of the reflexive component of professional and creative self-development of future teachers.