Keyword: «abuse of law»

The article is concerned with the problem of limits of bona fides of the bankrupt when transactions were invalidate on the ground of the abuse of law and exemption of the debt is questionable.
Abuse of the right when making transactions with residential real estate leads to violation of the rights of a bona fide acquirer, financial losses and stresses associated with litigation. The author considers the issues of countering this violation and digital resources that simplify the verification of the purity of transactions with residential real estate. It is concluded that obtaining information from open state information systems allows protecting the rights of a bona fide acquirer and minimizing the risks of abuse by the seller.
The article substantiates the need to study the moral and legal aspect of the problem of abuse of law. The article contains an indication of the need to ensure moral and legal security of the Russian state and society through the formation of a mechanism of counteraction (prevention) to the abuse of law.