Keyword: «adolescence»

The article discusses the results of a study of the characteristics of self-attitude in older adolescents who are prone to deviant behavior. As a result of a comparative analysis of groups of older adolescents with pronounced and unexpressed tendencies towards deviant behavior, the author comes to the conclusion that among adolescents with deviations, self-attitude is characterized as predominantly negative with reduced self-esteem and autosympathy and pronounced tendency to self-deprecation.
the article describes the modern understanding of victimhood, the psychological essence of victimhood is differentiated, the factors of victimization of adolescents are mentioned; Presents the results of the study of the victimization of adolescents, including forms of victimization behavior (methods of studying the susceptibility to victimization behavior by O.O. Andronnikova), severity in adolescents playing and social roles, positive and negative significance (questionnaire Type of role victimization by M.A. Odintsova, N.P. Radchikova).
in the article the author actualizes the problems of personal development in modern conditions of digitalization of society. The possibilities of digital education (continuity of education, individual learning route, increasing sources of information) and risks (changes in behavior and well-being, loss of writing skills, deterioration of memory and attention, reduction of social skills, the emergence of screen dependence, and others) are analyzed. The author presents recommendations for safe work with the Internet.
this article actualizes the problem of creating psychological security in the educational environment. The content of the concept of «psychological security» from the point of view of different authors is revealed. The author offers the results of the study of the features of ideas about the psychological safety of the educational environment in older adolescents.
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The article presents the results of a theoretical understanding of studying multi-communicative abilities in adolescents with mental retardation. The author studies the concept of multi-communicative abilities, their content as a combination of the structural elements of mentalization and behavioral skills, makes an analysis of some aspects of impaired development of multi-communicative abilities in adolescents with mental retardation.